• CyclingSA is fully committed to the principles and active promotion of diversity, inclusivity and providing equal opportunities whilst encouraging social cohesion and using cycling as a form of activity that will uplift previously disadvantaged communities.
  • CyclingSA will be the catalyst driving all stakeholders through common programs, capacity building and development to achieve the federation’s transformation objectives.
  • CyclingSA will give clear instruction to support transformation and inclusivity.
  • CyclingSA will encourage increased diversity through the constitution of the National Federation and that of its affiliates.
  • CyclingSA will set goals to continue the transformation of cycling in South Africa through the National Development Plan over a four-year period. For ease of planning, this will coincide with an Olympic Cycle.
  • CyclingSA will communicate to its members and partners its plans and monitor the progress of achieving goals.
  • Through its mandate as the custodian of the sport of cycling, CyclingSA will ensure that there will be open access to all those who wish to participate in the sport and that they are treated fairly.



Full NameTown / CityMake your Pledge
Arshad Mahomed
Sport to unite all. There is no place for racism.
Elsie van Biljon
No to racism in life!
Marcus Mpofu
We pledge ourselves to liberate all our people from the continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender and other discrimination.
Nuno Trocado
I pledge for cycling
Dirk van der Walt
I ask all South African cyclist to say no to racism
Jan Bos
I say NO to racism at all times!
Pieter Onderwater
There is no place for racism, not in cycling, not in sport, not in society. All people are equal no matter race, gender, age, whatever.
Daki Nkanyane
Let's all join hands to the promotion of cycling as green way of life and also a channel to create sustainable green jobs and end poverty in our communities.
Truan Haskell
Racism has no place in our society. Brings absolutely NO good!!
Alesseandro Dinino
Cycling is a Sport just like any other and you'll always get racist remarks that get people angry. My pledge is to keep it Away from the sport. And if they do say bad things fine them.
Christo Herman Louw
There is no place for racism in cycling
Suzan Bowman
There is no place for racism in cycling or in life!
Spike de la Rey
There is no place for racist behaviour anywhere. A person's race should never be a consideration for or against him or her wrt anyone else. We are all equal and should at all times be treated with dignity and respect. I pledge to uphold the values of honesty, integrity and respect at all times.
Louis Strydom
No to racism or any kind of discrimination
Mark Friebus
I am not black, I am not white. I am human.
Elsie Morkel
No matter the colour of your skin, religion,or back ground, it is time to value "life" and take care of each other, there is no time for racism in sport or anywhere else. We are all human and should "VALUE THE LIFE OF ANY OTHER PERSON" Respect one another and respect sport!!! NO TO RACISM...
Henk Cloete
Strange how only people "outside" a sport see the racism.... others just enjoy the sport…
Ted Sommerville
Sport uplifts. Racism degrades. I choose to uplift myself and my fellow sportsmen.
Alf Bennett
Let's make cycling an example to others in our country and ride in unity!
Moses Venceslau
Equal opportunity for everybody.
John de Carvalho
We should not even have to discuss this - it should just be so - NO racism in any sport nor in any other activities.
Joe Mogotsi
You cannot change what you refuse to confront
Alexis Scholtz
I pledge to keep racism and hate speech free from out sport
John Read
I ride with the view that all South Africans must be able to enjoy the sport as equals since our mutual love for this Country should have no bounds.
Hermann Steyn
NO to racism and hate speech in our sport and society.
Displaying 125 - 150 of 211


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