We have received reports of events being scheduled and while we understand the enthusiasm around getting events back on track – we need to highlight the following message from The Department of Sport, Art and Culture sent to all federations:
“If the sports body resumes training or matches either contact or non-contact without the approval of the Minister, it is tantamount to a violation of the Direction and Regulations. Any necessary or punitive measure will be taken against such sports body in terms of the Regulations.”
CyclingSA has not received any authorisation for events for the immediate future, and therefore any event organisers hosting cycling events under lockdown conditions will be in contravention of the regulations and will be held accountable to government.
Government has further advised that exercise is permitted in groups of up to four (4) people, while adhering to health protocols and social distancing measures.
We have submitted a framework of specialised training to take place during Level 3 lockdown to accommodate our competitive licensed cyclists, and also to have BMX and Track Cycling facilities open for training purposes but have yet to receive Ministerial approval. Once we receive feedback on the proposal submitted, we will advise on the process, guidelines and requirements.
We have received several proposals, with the majority focused on mass participation, these could not be included in the Level 3 submission but will be incorporated into our proposal for Level 2 once we receive more guidance from government.
The challenges with hosting events under level 3 are:
Level 3 applies to professional athletes specialised training and events only.
The compulsory testing requirements of athletes and the waiting period for the results.
Managing participants and keeping them within an isolated bubble system (also as per UCI / WHO recommendations).
Ciska Austin, CyclingSA President: “We have been very fortunate that all cyclists have been able to cycle since the beginning of May, whereas some other sports are yet to start general exercise at a professional level. Football has received a formal notice to open up for training under very strict conditions.
For now, at least, we can ride outside and will continue to work with government to open up our events in a staggered way. Hopefully, the government will be able to advise all soon, but I am looking at the curve and we are not at a tipping point yet. In my opinion, we will remain a couple of months behind Europe in opening up for events, especially mass participation, locally.”