Cycling South Africa regrets to announce the postponement of the Criterium National Championships initially scheduled to take place in collaboration with the Midvaal municipality on the 31st of January 2024. In adherence to the agreement with the municipality, events were stated to proceed only with a minimum of 25 riders in each category.
In response to valuable feedback from riders who engaged with us, it became evident that a weekend event would be preferable. As a result, Cycling South Africa is actively exploring the possibility of organizing an independent Criterium event over a weekend, with the potential inclusion of additional categories to enhance the overall experience for participants.
Additionally, concerns have been raised by several cyclists who expressed reservations about participating in the Criterium National Championships concurrently with the Time Trial and Road Championships. The perceived high risk of crashes during this period prompted a decision to separate the Criterium from the Time Trial and Road Championships, effective immediately and extending into the future.
Cycling South Africa acknowledges and apologizes for the inconvenience caused by this decision and is committed to prioritizing the safety and preferences of our cycling community. Cycling South Africa will be providing reimbursement to all riders who have already entered the event.
We appreciate the understanding and support of the cycling community and assure all stakeholders that we remain dedicated to delivering a memorable and safe Criterium National Championships experience soon.