Dear Cycling SA member,
This is a notice regarding the 2023 Road Championships scheduled for 8-12 Feb 2023 in Oudtshoorn, WC.
We have received unofficial communication that African Continental Road Championships may be taking place over the same period as the S.A National Road championships.
Cycling SA makes use of the UCI calendar as a guide for its National events and unfortunately this clash in dates was not received prior so to make an informed decision on when SA Champs will be held. We at Cycling SA do not have any control over the dates for African Continental Championships, but we have voiced our concern to CAC.
We are awaiting official response from CAC to confirm the dates of African Continental Road Championships and will communicate the confirmed date with you. If the dates do clash, we will try our utmost to determine if National Champs can be moved to another date (as close as possible to the originally planned date) to accommodate all affected riders.
We understand that people are already planning their accommodation and travel and realise the impact that a change of date may have, hence our decision to alert our members of the situation.
Our recommendation would be to hold off confirming dates till you have received an updated communication from Cycling South Africa.
Further communication to follow.