On Saturday, 20 February 2021, CyclingSA held its Annual General Meeting (AGM) followed by a Quadrennial General Meeting (QGM). Both meetings were a hybrid with several delegates, including the Executive Board physically present whilst the majority of the provincial, regional, associated members and commissions chaired on a virtual basis. We are pleased to report that 90% of our members, affiliates and regions were present.
Virtual voting was held for the various agenda points with the outgoing Compliance and Advisory Board Chairperson, Mr Julian Cox, as an observer.
The significant outcomes from the proceedings were:
- Adoption of the Diversity and Inclusivity Charter, which paves the way to ensuring CyclingSA embraces better inclusivity and incorporates Transformation and Diversity, from rider to board level.
- The Executive Board elected now comprises of:
- President: Ciska du Plessis-Austin,
- 1st Vice President as Deputy and Chairperson of the Provincial Council: Qondisa Ngwenya,
- 2nd Vice president and Chairperson of the Diversity and Inclusivity Committee: Kevin Green,
- 3rd Vice President and Chairperson of the Finance Committee: Andre Du Toit.
Mr Ngwenya, new to the Executing Board of CyclingSA, has a strong history and background in sports governance as he also serves on the Board of SASCOC. As chairperson of the Provincial Council, Mr Ngwenya will play an integral role in uplifting the provincial and regional structures whilst also supporting initiatives to create a transformed federation that is financially stable.
CyclingSA now meets its new constitution’s requirements in terms of diversity and has 25% representation of women and 50% representation of previously disadvantaged individuals on the executive board.
- The Executive Board elected now comprises of:
- In addition to the Executive Board’s election, the General Assembly also elected Shumeez Dollie as the National Chairperson of the Technical Commission.
- The Compliance and Advisory Board (CAB) confirmed three members’ re-election: Mr Piet van Niekerk (SC), Mr Gert Fouche and Ms Ayanda Tsikayi. CAB will proceed with independently appointing their additional five members.