In our attempt to bring events back, it is absolutely key that organisers, entry portals, administrative companies and participants are fully aware of the conditions under which these events can operate.
- No blanket permission has been granted to host events under lockdown conditions.
- All events are subject to SASREA, COVID19 Risk Mitigation and provincial affiliate approval.
- Events found in violation of the regulations and policies will be shut down by the relevant authorities and the responsible parties will be held accountable to government.
- No more than 50 people (inclusive of event staff) gathering in any particular area.
- No more than 300 people (inclusive of event staff) per event on the day.
- Individuals with information about unsanctioned events or organisations contravening the regulations should please contact their provincial bodies directly.
The regulations are very clear in terms of the Disaster Management Risk Mitigation requirements and the latest gazette published on 6 August has emphasised the limitations which remain in place.
The role of CyclingSA is to engage with stakeholders, consult with government, and to provide clear and concise support to the provincial bodies as well as all CyclingSA members. As such, CyclingSA has approval from the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture (DSAC) to start staging events from 1 September 2020, under very specific conditions.
The provincial affiliates of CyclingSA are responsible for reviewing each event application and will grant sanctioning to events within their jurisdiction that comply with SASREA and COVID regulations.
Under the conditions set out by the government, events under level 3 lockdown will be subject to a maximum of 50 people per group (defined as a gathering) for the different age and racing groups, up to a maximum of 300 people (participants and staff combined) per event day.
A clear separation of groups in terms of space and time is required to ensure there is no congregation area which will exceed the limits in place. Thus, the registration/start area/finish area/racing groups/parking, etc, may not exceed 50 people at any time and should be clearly separated.
CyclingSA and its affiliates are to ensure that all events adhere to these regulations and are further obligated by the government to ensure that events that are not sanctioned, or not complying with the risk mitigation requirements, be shut down with the assistance of the authorities.
All CyclingSA members, race organisers, entry companies and administrators are asked to ensure that they strictly adhere to the regulations to ensure that as a sport, we are not found to be operating outside of the approved regulations. Any breach in regulations will set us back significantly in terms of the reopening process of cycling.
Proposals for approval will be sent to the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture for Level 2 lockdown regulations to incorporate recreational MTB marathons and road cycling events. The date for these to commence has not been approved.
- Event participation has only been granted for professionals as outlined in the gazette. For cycling, these riders have been categorised as the members of CyclingSA.
- Unaffiliated cyclists will not be allowed to partake in lockdown events and temporary licenses cannot be issued under lockdown conditions.
- All events are subject to receiving a sanction certificate from their provincial CyclingSA affiliate body.
- All events are subject to compliance with the Safety at Sports and Recreation Events Act (SASREA).
- All events need to obtain permission and work closely with their local SAPS to understand the event roll-out and how the regulations will be adhered to.
- Overview of COVID19 Risk Mitigation compliance requirements:
- Medical screening and testing requirements.
- Social distancing and use of PPE as stipulated in regulations.
- An event cannot exceed 300 people (participants and staff combined) for the duration of the event on the day.
- No more than 50 people (inclusive of staff) in the start area.
- No more than 50 people (inclusive of staff) in the holding batch.
- No more than 50 people (inclusive of staff) waiting to enter the holding batch.
- Holding batch and start point to be a minimum of 20m x 20m to allow social distance.
- Minimum of 10 min intervals between start groups.
- Circuits longer than 10km shall be allowed if approved by the SAPS and authorities can provide the required resources.
- No prize giving is permitted.
- No catering is permitted.
- No spectators are permitted.
- No gathering pre or post-event – riders are to arrive, ride and leave the event immediately after completion.
- Suggested separate start and finish points/ venues if more than one bunch racing in order to eliminate any congregation.
- Suggested delivery of race packs pre-event or collection in an open area at the venue to allow for the necessary social distancing.
To confirm sanctioned events, please visit the CyclingSA events platform. The race calendar will be continually updated as more events are sanctioned. Please contact your province directly should you require specific event information.
- No more than 50 people (inclusive of staff) gathered in an area.
- Start times to be staggered (minimum 10 minutes) to decrease the number of people to minimise contact between groups.
- Groups should be seeded per age category and according to their national index.
- No gathering pre or post-event – riders are to arrive, ride and leave the event immediately after completion.
- No formal greeting may take place.
- No handshake or hugging is permitted.
- No touching of another person.
- Social distancing of 2m or more when standing, sitting or eating with others.
- Avoid close contact with anyone who has a fever or cough.
- The necessary COVID-19 signage inclusive of safety measurement requirements shall be placed.
- Venue for start and finish must allow for social distancing.
- No catering will be permitted.
- No sharing of drinking bottles.
- Riders to bring their own refreshments.
- No prize giving is permitted.
- Results to be posted online.
The appointed COVID-19 facility or event officer will ensure a healthy event environment for all public and crew:
- To educate all on the preventive measure to avoid infection.
- Posting of Guidelines in and around the event area of DO and DON’TS.
- Implement a screening process at all entry points to the event area.
- Any person with a temperature of 38°C or higher is not allowed to enter the event area until a questionnaire is completed to determine if there is an infection.
- Ensure hygienic standard in the event area.
- To provide sanitisers in the event area, this will include the toilets, entry and exit points.
- Prevent large gatherings in the event area.
- To apply social distancing of 2m or more.
- To provide PPE were needed to the event crew, face masks are a requirement to enter an event area.
- Provide ventilation where needed to promote good respiratory hygiene.
- Keep the public informed on the development of COVID-19.
- To offer support in the form of trauma counsellors should the need arise.
- Keep a register, or a detailed list of attendees to assist with contact tracing.
- All persons will be required to wear cloth masks in public.
- All event crew will be trained on the use and disposal of PPE.
- All attendees are required to wear a face mask when attending an event with the exception of during the race. Any person not wearing a mask at the event will be asked to vacate the venue.
- All persons with an elevated temperature of 38°C or above will be sent home or isolated until taken to a medical facility.
- Any staff exposed or been touched by an infected person will have themselves tested and isolate or quarantine themselves.
- A person with a temperature of 38°C or higher.
- A person with underlying medical conditions, clinical conditions, pregnant and elderly.
- A person that is living with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
- Participants are to remain in their vehicles as temperature screening will take place upon entering the venue.
- A register is to be completed by the official for contact tracing purposes.
Temperature above 37°C 4 pts
Cough and shortness of breath 4 pts
Unusual headache 2 pts
Abnormal fatigue 2 pts
Cough 1 pts
Stuffy nose or sore throat 1 pts
Anosmia 1 pts
Unusual aches 1 pts
Diarrhoea or vomiting 1 pts
Total > or = 6 No entry permitted
Information per athlete, official or support staff that will be obtained for tracing:
- Personal details
- Date of entry
- Time of entry
- All information will be kept for a minimum of 6 months in compliance with regulations including:
- Temperature
- Personal info – required in section 6A point (3) A-D (Government Gazette June 11)
- Start times
Should an individual develop a high temperature or a persistent cough while at the event, they should:
- Wear a mask at all times.
- Avoid touching anything.
- Individuals should be directed to the isolation area.
- Inform the Organiser or Safety Officer and get a directive from them on what to do.
- Should a person test positive for COVID-19, the Department of Health and the NICD should be notified by using the hotline number provided.
- Sanitize the area immediately.
For the most recent regulations as per the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture, please see National Gazette No.43584.