#Takeonracism and Take the Pledge

Cycling South Africa is steadfast in their views towards racism in our sport and in our country. In support of Anti-Racism Week, the National Federation will show solidarity in support of the campaign.

ARNSA’s weeklong campaign is called #takeonracism, from 14-21 March. The Anti-Racism Network of South Africa (ARNSA) is an alliance of organisations working to respond to racism in South Africa. The Nelson Mandela Foundation and the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation facilitated the formation of ARNSA and currently serve as the secretariat. (http://www.arnsa.org.za/)

Cycling South Africa will run a series of posts on our social media channels (namely Facebook and Twitter) and encourage people to sign our Anti-racism Pledge.

In 2015, we launched our #jointheteam Anti-racism Pledge, which received great response from the cycling community and general public who have taken the opportunity to unite in our stance against racism.

At all of our major National Championship cycling events, Cycling South Africa proudly displays the “Say NO to Racism” and “Say NO to Xenophobia” boards at these prestigious events.

Cycling SA President, William Newman, says that the Federation condemns racism of any form. “South Africa is a multi cultural and diverse country, and accommodates all culture, colour and creed. We always welcome riders from all nations to compete in our country and reiterate that sport is for all! We have zero tolerance towards racism in cycling.”

In our solid stance against racism and xenophobia, Cycling South Africa encourages every single member of the public but in particular, our membership, to take the pledge and continue to unify our country through our sport.

Taking the pledge against racism is for professional and recreational cyclists, administrators, officials, event organisers, anyone involved with cycling and for all walks of life in support of anti-racism.

#Takeonracism and Take the Pledge: https://www.cyclingsa.com/anti-racism-pledge/

“Sport can create hope where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than governments in breaking down racial barriers. It laughs in the face of all types of discrimination.” Nelson Mandela



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